| Bubbles77, thanks for responding.
Just because you see an article online doesn't mean you should post it. Welcome to the Internet! I understand if you want to start a conversation, but linking to an article really isn't doing much for that.
How about forming unique topic ideas that people are interested in and can contribute to? Maybe you could even create your own personal blog where you can freely post the "wonderful" articles you find online and people that actually care will look at them, because on here I don't care and obviously, by the average amount of comments you get, nobody else really cares either.
It says on the top of the forums page "Welcome to ChickChat! This is your place to visit, get advice and connect with our community." Funny, I don't see where it says "Spam us with links!".
You also said "I look forward to reading your posts in the forums to see what matters to you," so does that mean things Ryan Lochte peeing in a pool are what really matter to you? Wow...
Sometimes too much is too much. I know I'm not the only one thinking, I am just the first to say it. You're welcome.
Have a great day!! |