
  Member Since:  January 4, 2016


on April 14, 2017  diannamerritt  16,791 said:

Hello how are you ?

on April 03, 2017  Kare  617 said:

I 've found my belated review which I did on January it was due in october but I just had my first baby at that time and breast feeding was not easy, i feel very sorry for my belated review. I've also add some pictures! but I reviewed anonymously by mistake and I cannot review anymore as I can review only once, the website won' t let me review again..
Should I delete my profile and do A new one? I really like to test and review products...
  Thank You

on April 03, 2017  Kare  617 said:

Hi, I am sorry I did my review belated as I had my baby in advance than expected...I just cannot find my review anymore...I'll re do my review very soon! Catelli pastas were very good!

on March 17, 2017  thisisellamac  533 said:

I didn't receive them, I hope this doesn't affect my chances of getting other boxes! I love trying the new products and reviewing them!

on March 14, 2017  charmer2525  283 said:

Just noticed this now...I had never received what was supposed to be sent. This is why I didn't do the review.

on March 13, 2017  Jessbansal  478 said:

Hi just saw your message now about Mabel's Labels and I never received anything in the mail or I would have written a review!

on February 25, 2017  ColetteC  198 said:

I did all the Nivea product reviews and have purchased more since.
I am a fan of these products and have told my friends and family about the way that my face feels.
Love the feel on my older skin, the value, and the comments
- got told last week that I must be about ...age and I am 12 years older
- I feel that is a compliment
Thank you

on January 05, 2017  froesek  263 said:

Oh goodness, I feel so bad about this. I was waiting for an email for when I was supposed to do this. I guess I haven't done enough of these to know what the process is. I'll make sure I get caught up on all my reviews in the next day or two. Thanks for the reminder.
  Thank You

on December 05, 2016  gedsz13  968 said:

Hi, Sorry, I didn't send my review that time coz I went back home for my brother funeral and stay in the Philippines until end of October.


on November 25, 2016  Freelvr  478 said:

Hi thanks for the reminder. Both reviews done today and posted . Thank you again for the great opportunity to try and review your many new products . I hope my family and I get a chance to do more reviews for you again soon .
  Thank You

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