
  Member Since:  January 4, 2016


on April 07, 2016  Kiyorikaulitz  1,033 said:

Thank you for reminding me ! :) All of my reviews have been submitted and I hope to remain in good standing with the Product Review Club.

on April 05, 2016  Feisty Mama  948 said:


Reviews have been completed. Thanks!

on April 05, 2016  Jolenewood  158 said:

Hi there,
sorry for the late reply, my comments have been added

on April 05, 2016  Cuppedcakes  15,375 said:

Hi! Thank you for updating with a code of conduct! I've sent a friend request here and look forward to reading more of your reviews :)
  Cute Picture

on April 05, 2016  Greendeehawk  4,039 said:

Just finished the reviews now. I didn't receive a reminder email so I didn't realize they were due. Thank you for contacting me.

on April 05, 2016  4theloveofmommy  566 said:

So sorry I thought I had already completed them All done now! Thanks!

on April 05, 2016  kennza  1,248 said:

Hi Caitlin,
It's done! Sorry for my late review. Thank you so much for sending me these products!


on April 05, 2016  IreneEichler  448 said:

sorry just did all my reviews was AWAY from my computer for a couple weeks !

on April 05, 2016  Sammitheleo  7,353 said:

Ahhhh ok...Not a problem. I will ensure my reviews are submitted shortly.
Thanks for the quick reply :)

on April 05, 2016  Sammitheleo  7,353 said:

Hi Caitlingh :)I only received the products literally a week ago. I received an email yesterday specifying reviews for Simple Skincare Products are due tomorrow. I am surprised a message specifying "please complete asap to ensure your account remains in good standing" would be sent (I am assuming its a standard form message). I am always happy to review and having the products one week has certainly given me enough time to use and provide my feedback. Just confused by the email I received yesterday and the message in my guestbook today. Any feedback is appreciated.

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