
  Member Since:  June 23, 2009


on November 21, 2011  Bren  26,046 said:

Thats funny you mentioned the almond silk because I just finished posting a review for my favorite soy drink vanilla chai then noticed your message haha.Glad things are good in your world.I just realized a few weeks ago I never see you posting anymore and I enjoyed your posts.Have a good day :)
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on November 07, 2011  Bren  26,046 said:

Hi Cathy, I miss seeing you post on here I hope all is well with you :)
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on June 01, 2011  Ali de Bold  15 said:

Hi Cathy! Hope you are enjoying this warmer weather. We miss you on our posing wall! XOXO

on April 06, 2011  kellib  1,894 said:

I am so sorry. There was nothing wron with the shipment. Life has got the better of me in the life 6 weeks. Alot going on in my life right now and i was away from the computer I posted a reveiw and loved the product. Thanks again :)
  Thank You

on January 21, 2011  LaurenBlair  128 said:

I'm going to rock this pink-barbie nailpolish all weekend just for you!
Just FYI

on January 06, 2011  code beauty  323 said:

Thank You So Much I Will Do That!
Thanks For The Advice I Really Appreciate It!

Code Beauty
  Thank You

on January 03, 2011  sparrow  1,485 said:

I really enjoy your reviews! Keep posting them :)

on December 30, 2010  prnena80  203 said:

Thanks : )

on December 29, 2010  Milet  218 said:

Thank you for the warm welcome!!!!
  Thank You

on December 17, 2010  ngill  1,669 said:

Hey Cathy!

Yeah I finished my placement in London, it was a really amazing experience. I'm just spending time with my relatives here, and starting my euro trip next week! I'm really excited, but also really stressed out trying to make sure we've got all our arrangements made! Thanks for the wishes! All the best in the new year to you as well and hopefully I'll be seeing you in a month when I'm back in Toronto!
  Thank You

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