Ceciliaand Wiley

  Member Since:  September 13, 2017
Not much to tell really.
After working for 35 years in various jobs I'm retired. ..my body is older than my head so I find ways to stay busy..I fix/make costume jewelry. .walk my dog,Wiles ' but 3 times a day. .and am looking for ways to garner freebies/test products and generally just chat on Facebook and other social media sites.

Recent Activity


Batiste Dry Shampoo Original Clean & Classic My overall rating

Gold Bond Ultimate Eczema Relief Skin Therapy Cream My overall rating

Old  7 Jack Daniel`s Tennessee Whisky My overall rating
Old 7 Jack Daniel`s Tennessee Whisky Recommended? You Betcha!

Dove Sensitive Skin Unscented Body Wash My overall rating

Jergens Crema Deep-Conditioning Shea Butter My overall rating

Pantene Pro V CC Shine Spray My overall rating
Pantene Pro V CC Shine Spray Recommended? You Betcha!

