The odour is too strong, to the point it makes me nauseous, its a great idea, but it does not agree with main everyday . the presentation is beautiful. just not a product i can use.
The odour is too strong, to the point it makes me nauseous, its a great idea, but it does not agree with main everyday . the presentation is beautiful. just not a product i can use. -
love the scent, doesn't seem to loosen the dirt on the surface, even when you legit sit for awhile. i buy this product all the time but not really happy with it.
love the scent, doesn't seem to loosen the dirt on the surface, even when you legit sit for awhile. i buy this product all the time but not really happy with it. -
This product is amazing, it creates the right amount of bubble and lasts the whole time your washing the dishes. this product is also amazing to use when getting stains out fabric.
This product is amazing, it creates the right amount of bubble and lasts the whole time your washing the dishes. this product is also amazing to use when getting stains out fabric. -
Very delicious, melt in your mouth, delicious, one of my favourite chocolates especially at Christmas time. The presentation of every chocolate pieces are exquisite.
Very delicious, melt in your mouth, delicious, one of my favourite chocolates especially at Christmas time. The presentation of every chocolate pieces are exquisite. -
love the taste, tastes like root beer should,caffeine free which is a bonus, doesn't make me burp as much as the other brand. it can be an expensive product at times.
love the taste, tastes like root beer should,caffeine free which is a bonus, doesn't make me burp as much as the other brand. it can be an expensive product at times. -