I got a gifeez for my 7-year-old grandson, and he absolutely loved it! It kept him occupied for hours as he alternated between drawing his own creations, coloring the various designs that were included in the box, and exploring the differences... +
I got a gifeez for my 7-year-old grandson, and he absolutely loved it! It kept him occupied for hours as he alternated between drawing his own creations, coloring the various designs that were included in the box, and exploring the differences between the toy's "art mode" and "animation mode." (Spoiler alert: BOTH modes are amazing, and some of the drawings that he created as "animations" looked even better in "art mode," and vice versa.) Truth be told, I had so much fun using it along with him that I ran out and got a 2nd gifeez for myself, and I'll probably end up buying a few more as future gifts for friends and other relatives. All in all, a creative, exceptionally entertaining toy. -