
  Member Since:  January 13, 2017


on April 27, 2017  kelx  23,512 said:

lol your funny!!! Yes even an Aesthetician, Makeup Artist and Embalmer as well LOL...Im a jack of all trades!!

on April 27, 2017  R3Bean  17,972 said:

Yes I hope you do get one.!!! This would be my first..
  Great Taste

on April 27, 2017  NikkiS  10,601 said:

I love that! Would be so nice to see this Canadian team go all the way *fingers crossed*

I agree, and baby gets so many yellow, beige, and grey outfits as a result :) It would have been tough to stay away from the pinks and blues had we have known, haha! That's so refreshing to hear! So many of our friends and family told us we were crazy not finding out for the first one never mind talking about keeping future pregnancies a surprise too.

Its funny, in the beginning I was so sure it was a boy and now I feel that its a girl; I'm carrying very similarly to the way my mom carried me, so we'll see :D

You've definitely got plenty of momming experience under your belt then! That's fantastic. What would you say are the most challenging versus the most rewarding parts of being a mom? I love hearing about other moms' experiences!
  Good Writer

on April 27, 2017  kelx  23,512 said:

Well I'm a hairdresser by trade as well....and had tons of practice over the years....I started colouring my own hair in grade 6 Lol. Blonde is a hard color too get in the hair especially if you have darker hair...Lots of processing and toning involved and sometimes it can take weeks too months too achieve the desired color you want in the blonde shade.

on April 27, 2017  jessica_rafuse3  4,850 said:

Me too! I have a 6 year old step son, and he is excited to try them out :)

on April 27, 2017  kelx  23,512 said:

Thanks for the comment hun!! I love being creative with my hair. I do it myself!! :) I must say I envy your eyebrows....I have such thin thin brows, and always have too fill them in. Yours look so natural!!

on April 27, 2017  Hunty  13,172 said:

Hahaha mines September 28 ! :)

on April 27, 2017  R3Bean  17,972 said:

Awe Thanks Doll,
I have seen you up their too !!! Yeah almost May.. Where's the time going? :)
  Thank You

on April 27, 2017  NikkiS  10,601 said:

It really is! We've left the gender a surprise which adds to the excitement as well :) its so much fun to see who thinks boy versus girl and why, haha! I see that you're a mama! How many kids do you have and how old are they? Also, woohoo for West Coast living and Go Oilers!!

on April 27, 2017  Amanda112  25,515 said:

Oh geeze I can relate, I have to really watch what I say at work too.. like there is no filter in my brain sometimes, at least my coworkers are used it lol.
I haven't gotten accepted in anything since my 1st, which was the Nivea Primer and that was a little over a month ago, so not long ago, I didn't apply for the Motts, and I am not sure about the Knorr. Like everyone else keeping every body part crossed for the Maybelline, but I am not keeping my hopes up, there is a ton of new premium members, not to mention even more new sign ups in general but I hope at least someone I know, gets it though!!
No, I don't think we have any book exchanges where I live, at least I haven't heard of any, I am going to check it out though, I would totally start one. I couldn't put one up at my house though, I live in the country and most of my neighbors are seasonal.
I am home today, suffering from a migraine, all pressure related, we are supposed to get major T-storms this afternoon, hopefully sooner than later, once it storms the agony lifts. Uggghh..
Have a good day, hopefully its getting nice and warm in BC.

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