My grandson loves these. From the catchy name to its unique appearance, we just had to try one. The "dirt" was chocolate powder and the worms were of the gummy variety. Tasted sweet and yummy. Grandson loved it!
My grandson loves these. From the catchy name to its unique appearance, we just had to try one. The "dirt" was chocolate powder and the worms were of the gummy variety. Tasted sweet and yummy. Grandson loved it! -
Peppermint is good for an upset stomach. They feed these candies to race horses all the time. The vet diagnosed one of my eventers ( an ex race horse) with stomach ulcers and recommended I feed him 6-8 tums twice a day. After a month he was putting... +
Peppermint is good for an upset stomach. They feed these candies to race horses all the time. The vet diagnosed one of my eventers ( an ex race horse) with stomach ulcers and recommended I feed him 6-8 tums twice a day. After a month he was putting on weight, his coat was gleaming and he seemed overall much more relaxed. Tums works great for humans too. -
I have tried many different protein bars. Some are too dry and difficult to chew. Others leave an after taste or just taste aweful. Triple Threat Power Bars are deliscious! They taste like chocolate bars with caramel but have 12 grams of protein and... +
I have tried many different protein bars. Some are too dry and difficult to chew. Others leave an after taste or just taste aweful. Triple Threat Power Bars are deliscious! They taste like chocolate bars with caramel but have 12 grams of protein and less than 210 calories. -
I started suddenly experiencing tooth sensitivity. My dentist said I was grinding my teeth and wearing my enamel thin. He recommended sensodine toothpaste and gave me several samples. It took more than a month but the sensitivity eventually... +
I started suddenly experiencing tooth sensitivity. My dentist said I was grinding my teeth and wearing my enamel thin. He recommended sensodine toothpaste and gave me several samples. It took more than a month but the sensitivity eventually disappeared. Now I can enjoy both hot and cold foods or beverages without my teeth throbbing. It actually worked! -
Thick and creamy texture. Had to get used to it at first as I was used to milk but it tastes nothing like milk. Goes well with cereal or in fruit smoothies.I really love that the vanilla unsweetened variety has only 30 calories per 1 cup .
Thick and creamy texture. Had to get used to it at first as I was used to milk but it tastes nothing like milk. Goes well with cereal or in fruit smoothies.I really love that the vanilla unsweetened variety has only 30 calories per 1 cup . -