At one time Penningtons had nice classic clothing, but for about the past five years they’re have gone way down in quality - cheap nasty fabrics, styles either frumpy dumpy or trying but failing dismally to be stylish-ie holes in pants, unhemmed... +
At one time Penningtons had nice classic clothing, but for about the past five years they’re have gone way down in quality - cheap nasty fabrics, styles either frumpy dumpy or trying but failing dismally to be stylish-ie holes in pants, unhemmed pants, gaping sleeveless tops with cut out holes and hardware at the neckline. Occasionally there is something wearable, but usually there is nothing I would even want to try on. I went there today hoping to find a pretty nightie as a Christmas gift. The only decent one wasn’t really pretty, and there were only 3 of it, in sizes x, 1x, 5x. Sizes are often broken and size not available. The other thing I wanted was a nice red sweater for Christmas. They only had 3 tops available and they were in some sort of cheap shimmery fabric and were very hoaky. Before anything is offered for sale the buyers should be forced to wear those clothes for a week solid - doubtful they could ever feel attractive wearing any of these clothes yet they expect customers to buy it. Oversized women also want to have attractive clothes, and when this sort of crap is all there is available it only makes them more unhappy with themselves. If Penningtons doesn’t pull up their socks they will go out of business. -