Hi Elte! Yes, I love Palm'Hydra Face cream. The scent is from essential oils only and they are specific for our skin's health. :) The ones in this cream are lavender and geranium. If you look on the website they have a similar cream with no essential oil if that is a better choice for you - Palm'Hydra Base. Since the scent is from essential oils it goes into the body to "do its good work" but you don't smell anything after about 5-10 minutes. Hope that helps! Cheryl p.s. the website for their products is www.innovimport.com
n Sep 23, 2008
Elte said: Hi, Thanks
for introducing this product to us. I was wondering if you would
decribe the scent to me. I am quite sensitive to scents so I usually
would like to try any face products to see if it will affect me. Thanks
in adcance. Elte
September 23, 2008