they worked great with my big family. takes care of the job like it should! they keep the smell well contained. holds large amount of trash. great purchase!
they worked great with my big family. takes care of the job like it should! they keep the smell well contained. holds large amount of trash. great purchase! -
my hair gets very knotted easy an this makes so easy for to wash my hair. FEELS so nice an healthy after im done. the most amazing feeling iv had in a very long time. glad i tried it an that i found something so great for my hair.
my hair gets very knotted easy an this makes so easy for to wash my hair. FEELS so nice an healthy after im done. the most amazing feeling iv had in a very long time. glad i tried it an that i found something so great for my hair. -
ill most decently will buying this product from now on! so much easier for me to do dishes the way i do it. I don't make a sink full of water. I wash an rinse.
ill most decently will buying this product from now on! so much easier for me to do dishes the way i do it. I don't make a sink full of water. I wash an rinse. -