Product wouldn't be my 1st choice of a toy to buy. My children put it together, which didn't seem that hard. But they got bored of it immediately and never continued to play with it. May be more for boys...
Product wouldn't be my 1st choice of a toy to buy. My children put it together, which didn't seem that hard. But they got bored of it immediately and never continued to play with it. May be more for boys... -
Stay at home and enjoy the amazing #McCafePremium in your own Keurig machine. Save gas, save money, enjoy in the comfort of your own home and add a flavor shot if you like! What more could you ask for???
Stay at home and enjoy the amazing #McCafePremium in your own Keurig machine. Save gas, save money, enjoy in the comfort of your own home and add a flavor shot if you like! What more could you ask for??? -
The product was great. It smelled good and worked but I didn't like how it doesn't go on as smooth as other deodorants.
The product was great. It smelled good and worked but I didn't like how it doesn't go on as smooth as other deodorants. -
Loved the smell of the product. Works great but didn't like the texture/feel of the deodorant when applying it. It doesn't go on smooth like the other ones.
Loved the smell of the product. Works great but didn't like the texture/feel of the deodorant when applying it. It doesn't go on smooth like the other ones. -