I love that I can now have a french vanilla cappuccino without having to leave the house. Mixes up nicely for a delicious sweet alternative to hot chocolate on cold days.
I love that I can now have a french vanilla cappuccino without having to leave the house. Mixes up nicely for a delicious sweet alternative to hot chocolate on cold days. -
A delicious mix of orange and chocolate (a flavour combo which can easily be done wrong) that is always given as a gift at Christmas. And who wouldn't love the act of smacking the chocolate before unwrapping!
A delicious mix of orange and chocolate (a flavour combo which can easily be done wrong) that is always given as a gift at Christmas. And who wouldn't love the act of smacking the chocolate before unwrapping! -
I have to limit the amount of mini eggs in the house because they will all get eaten in one sitting! Everyone loves to grab a handful as they walk by the bowl set out around Easter.
I have to limit the amount of mini eggs in the house because they will all get eaten in one sitting! Everyone loves to grab a handful as they walk by the bowl set out around Easter. -
Great for gifts, and overall a perfect balance of soft chocolate, with crunchy wafer and nuts. There always seems to be a box in my house, and they don't last long.
Great for gifts, and overall a perfect balance of soft chocolate, with crunchy wafer and nuts. There always seems to be a box in my house, and they don't last long. -
Perfect for a quick breakfast spread on toast, drizzled over ice cream for dessert, baked into sweet treats, or just as a spoonful straight from the jar!
Perfect for a quick breakfast spread on toast, drizzled over ice cream for dessert, baked into sweet treats, or just as a spoonful straight from the jar! -