love this shower wash it smells so intense and really wakes you up in the morning which is exactly what you need to get you going! I love the fact it's super green also!
love this shower wash it smells so intense and really wakes you up in the morning which is exactly what you need to get you going! I love the fact it's super green also! -
these are a bathroom neccisity! love the colours and the quality of this product do not buy cheaper alternatives because they fall apart quicker and do not get the same results. use these on your arms exfoliate and they will be super smooth!
these are a bathroom neccisity! love the colours and the quality of this product do not buy cheaper alternatives because they fall apart quicker and do not get the same results. use these on your arms exfoliate and they will be super smooth! -
I love these have been buying them for years and the cheaper knock offs don't do the job body shop ones always create a better lather and last longer...a must have!
I love these have been buying them for years and the cheaper knock offs don't do the job body shop ones always create a better lather and last longer...a must have! -
I've always loved this soap even as a kid I'd see it in my grandma's bathroom and sneak a smell of it! I love the shape and design of it and it creates a good lather in the shower and leaves you smelling sneaky clean
I've always loved this soap even as a kid I'd see it in my grandma's bathroom and sneak a smell of it! I love the shape and design of it and it creates a good lather in the shower and leaves you smelling sneaky clean -
I wasn't keen on the taste of this to start with but it definetly grows on you especially when your face looks better as a result of it! I would definetly reccomed sticking it out with this one
I wasn't keen on the taste of this to start with but it definetly grows on you especially when your face looks better as a result of it! I would definetly reccomed sticking it out with this one -
this does what done does to your skin makes it smell amazing and feel super soft to touch. always a good sign when your friends start sniffing your a non creepy way of course! get this you won't regret it!
this does what done does to your skin makes it smell amazing and feel super soft to touch. always a good sign when your friends start sniffing your a non creepy way of course! get this you won't regret it! -
love this product makes me sheets smell so nice and fresh and it lasts for weeks! really reccomed you don't need a lot so the tub lasts ages! can get it on offer regularly aswell just keep an eye out for it!
love this product makes me sheets smell so nice and fresh and it lasts for weeks! really reccomed you don't need a lot so the tub lasts ages! can get it on offer regularly aswell just keep an eye out for it! -
I love this product it's a must have handbag essential! leaves my lips smelling and feeling soft! I love the fact it advertises the importance of bees to thoroughly recommend!
I love this product it's a must have handbag essential! leaves my lips smelling and feeling soft! I love the fact it advertises the importance of bees to thoroughly recommend! -