I started using Ion Brights a few years ago, but I was hoping for something a bit better. After reading a lot of reviews I decided to try Punky Colours. I’ve used it since. There’s great colors, it’s a good value, and it holds up well. I’ve... +
I started using Ion Brights a few years ago, but I was hoping for something a bit better. After reading a lot of reviews I decided to try Punky Colours. I’ve used it since. There’s great colors, it’s a good value, and it holds up well. I’ve gotten so many compliments, people often ask what I use and I always recommend Punky Colours.
This is a semi-permanent hair color, like all unnatural hair dyes, and so yes, it will fade. It’s not the brand, it’s just what this dye is. But this one seems to last better than most and is still pretty as it fades. I wash my hair every other day with shampoo that’s free of parabens and sulfates and I usually color my hair about every 4 weeks, though I could go longer. It needs to be applied to bleached hair if you want the bright colors.
The only downside is trying to figure out the colors. Example: there’s violet, purple, and plum. I tried purple, but it’s pretty pink looking. While I like it, I wanted more purple. So I tried violet and it’s a little too blue. The good thing is that you can mix colors to get what you want and I’ve done this often. I also like using multiple colors for a pretty ombré look.
I was really excited to try this, as I have been wanting a matte top coat for awhile and I love OPI products. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed. It was a little hard to coat evenly, I found I had missed a few spots after it dried, though I... +
I was really excited to try this, as I have been wanting a matte top coat for awhile and I love OPI products. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed. It was a little hard to coat evenly, I found I had missed a few spots after it dried, though I thought I had been thorough.
It dried quickly and looked great, but it started chipping almost immediately. I used it over my OPI nail polish that i usually get at least 3-5 days before chipping (I’m rough on my nails), but it was pretty badly chipped the very next day. I tried touching up those areas that night and then went to bed when it was dry. The next morning I noticed it had chipped in my sleep! I took it off and returned it to the store.