This is a very frustrating site to order from. Their numbers are very limited and you constantly get "on hold" when you try to put something in your basket. It tells you that you can come back in 15 minutes to see if the item is available, but... +
This is a very frustrating site to order from. Their numbers are very limited and you constantly get "on hold" when you try to put something in your basket. It tells you that you can come back in 15 minutes to see if the item is available, but I've never been able to get anything once it's "on hold".
Another issue is the shipping and handling charges. When I buy more than $50 worth of product, free shipping is a must. You get it at all the beauty sites like Sephora, Ulta and But it just never happens here.
And I'm not impressed with their shipping time. It usually takes two weeks to get anything from They ship out slowly, something that is an issue they really need to look into. When you have a sale that only lasts a day or two, why does it take more than a week to package and ship?
I have gotten some good bargains at, but in all honesty, I don't even go there very much because the issues make it a non-customer friendly site.