I cannot even remember how long I've been waiting for a mouthwash & a toothpaste as well, that don't contain the usual ingredients as I want as clean as I can get .... LISTERINE's total care with absolutely no alcohol- Dream come true, even before... +
I cannot even remember how long I've been waiting for a mouthwash & a toothpaste as well, that don't contain the usual ingredients as I want as clean as I can get .... LISTERINE's total care with absolutely no alcohol- Dream come true, even before using it. After 6 days, twice a day use of this mouthwash, I can honestly say I'm extremely impressed with the taste, after taste & freshness. My mother is hooked & she bought her own bottle! Hopefully in future we will see other unnecessary ingredients be removed from oral/tooth products! I have a strong feeling about thisa -