I had a tooth that while waiting for my dental visit to have it pulled used this product....I have to admit I never expected it to work as well as it did , I put it on duriong 1 of my bad pain days and WHAM!!!! pain gone instantly AMAZING I LOVE IT
I had a tooth that while waiting for my dental visit to have it pulled used this product....I have to admit I never expected it to work as well as it did , I put it on duriong 1 of my bad pain days and WHAM!!!! pain gone instantly AMAZING I LOVE IT -
this is an awesome deodrant and i use it as my daily routine while getting ready ....it needs no reapplication during the day and works wonders for body ordor
this is an awesome deodrant and i use it as my daily routine while getting ready ....it needs no reapplication during the day and works wonders for body ordor -
smells great and makes for awesome easy clean up after showering .......blue foam turning white is an indicator that you are ready to wipe or rinse away depending on the soap scum on shower walls and floor
smells great and makes for awesome easy clean up after showering .......blue foam turning white is an indicator that you are ready to wipe or rinse away depending on the soap scum on shower walls and floor -
Always a good thing when using this cooking oil Fries come out better tasting and cooking non stick is a blast when using Becel..... do not change your product it is great the way it is
Always a good thing when using this cooking oil Fries come out better tasting and cooking non stick is a blast when using Becel..... do not change your product it is great the way it is -
Original soap bars are always my favorite ...this bar smells great and leaves skin soft and quenched there is no need to use skin cream after using this bar of soap AWESOME!!!!!
Original soap bars are always my favorite ...this bar smells great and leaves skin soft and quenched there is no need to use skin cream after using this bar of soap AWESOME!!!!! -