I am addicted to these gummy bears. The gummy worms are great too. They also have watermelon rings and so many other flavors, but the gummy worms and gummy bears are to die for. They aren't like other gummies that all taste the same. There are 12... +
I am addicted to these gummy bears. The gummy worms are great too. They also have watermelon rings and so many other flavors, but the gummy worms and gummy bears are to die for. They aren't like other gummies that all taste the same. There are 12 colors/flavors, and each one has a distinct taste. I recommend anyone who likes gummy candy to buy these! -
I am in love with clorox wipes. I keep a container of them in the kitchen, bathroom, office, and basement. These are so nice to wipe anything off and they smell great. I will buy these every week forever
I am in love with clorox wipes. I keep a container of them in the kitchen, bathroom, office, and basement. These are so nice to wipe anything off and they smell great. I will buy these every week forever -
Watching the commercial, this looks like a really fun game. But after you buy it, and play it once, no one wants to play again. The advertisement makes it look like the water sprays you and gets you wet, and in real life, it is just a mess maker... +
Watching the commercial, this looks like a really fun game. But after you buy it, and play it once, no one wants to play again. The advertisement makes it look like the water sprays you and gets you wet, and in real life, it is just a mess maker. I wouldnt buy this again, and I dont reccommend, unless you get it cheap and are willing to play just one time. -
I would buy this again. Its not really something to go out of your way for thought. Its really just a few colors of playdoh and a plastic tower to put you cupcakes that you make on .
I would buy this again. Its not really something to go out of your way for thought. Its really just a few colors of playdoh and a plastic tower to put you cupcakes that you make on . -
I love Pampers baby dry diapers, however they do tend to rip easy. I do use them still from time to time, because the price. They are good for the value, although could be a tad messy.
I love Pampers baby dry diapers, however they do tend to rip easy. I do use them still from time to time, because the price. They are good for the value, although could be a tad messy. -