These chips are really yummy! My only complaint is that they seem to have less chips per bag than other brands do. I recommend them though. Plus they were on sale when i bought them at 2 bags for $2 so the value was actually very good in the end.
These chips are really yummy! My only complaint is that they seem to have less chips per bag than other brands do. I recommend them though. Plus they were on sale when i bought them at 2 bags for $2 so the value was actually very good in the end. -
It really is creamy, as advertised. It smells sweet and natural, instead of mainly chemical like most standard body washes. Lathers nicely. I definitely recommend it.
It really is creamy, as advertised. It smells sweet and natural, instead of mainly chemical like most standard body washes. Lathers nicely. I definitely recommend it. -