Used to be a great product un til the changed the scent it stinks now still cleans great but I find the smell almost unbearable so I switched to another product should have just left a great product alone
Used to be a great product un til the changed the scent it stinks now still cleans great but I find the smell almost unbearable so I switched to another product should have just left a great product alone -
Use to be a great product but I have noticed that the have changed the recipe does not taste as great as before and I no longer purchase this brand and have switched to the none brand due to the change of taste
Use to be a great product but I have noticed that the have changed the recipe does not taste as great as before and I no longer purchase this brand and have switched to the none brand due to the change of taste -
The cool whip in the container is great but the product in the spray can sucks nozzle breaks and are unable to finish all the product so yay to to the container nay to the spray can
The cool whip in the container is great but the product in the spray can sucks nozzle breaks and are unable to finish all the product so yay to to the container nay to the spray can -
Pepsi is a refreshing soda that is uncomparable I can't imagine anything better on a hot summer day than a cold can of pepsi to quench your thirst pepsi is the bomb
Pepsi is a refreshing soda that is uncomparable I can't imagine anything better on a hot summer day than a cold can of pepsi to quench your thirst pepsi is the bomb -
Pringle chips are affordable tasty and are available at most retail locations they are often on sale or have a coupon offered by manufacturer or grocery store
Pringle chips are affordable tasty and are available at most retail locations they are often on sale or have a coupon offered by manufacturer or grocery store -