My kids wouldn't look twice at this toy. It's very cheaply made, the eyes moving are creepy, and the character figure takes a lot of effort to attach to the truck.
My kids wouldn't look twice at this toy. It's very cheaply made, the eyes moving are creepy, and the character figure takes a lot of effort to attach to the truck. -
My 3 and 5 year old loved this toy. It doesnt have any fancy bells or whistles, which really allowed for a lot of imaginative play. They both love how the sharks mouth opens and closes when you play with it. Would love to see the rest of this set... +
My 3 and 5 year old loved this toy. It doesnt have any fancy bells or whistles, which really allowed for a lot of imaginative play. They both love how the sharks mouth opens and closes when you play with it. Would love to see the rest of this set. The quality is what you would expect. I would definitely recommend this toy. -