Bath and body pocket hand sanitizers smell amazing! I used to always buy these as a kid and I would even buy them for my family for Christmas! They come in handy
Bath and body pocket hand sanitizers smell amazing! I used to always buy these as a kid and I would even buy them for my family for Christmas! They come in handy -
Huggies natural care wipes are one of the best wipes around! All of the other brands, even Huggies’ other options of wipes aren’t as good because they are scented and just have too much other chemicals in them.
Huggies natural care wipes are one of the best wipes around! All of the other brands, even Huggies’ other options of wipes aren’t as good because they are scented and just have too much other chemicals in them. -
I personally think Nutella is one of the best products ever invented! I’ve loved this product ever since I was a little kid, and I still love it to this day!
I personally think Nutella is one of the best products ever invented! I’ve loved this product ever since I was a little kid, and I still love it to this day! -
I really like Johnson’s soap, they even have a newborn soap option! It’s extremely gentle on a baby’s skin. I would highly recommend! Even the hospitals use this brand!
I really like Johnson’s soap, they even have a newborn soap option! It’s extremely gentle on a baby’s skin. I would highly recommend! Even the hospitals use this brand! -
Dairy Queen birthday cakes are the best! I ALWAYS get an ice cream cake for my birthday! Whether it’s Oreo, cookie dough, or even just plain chocolate and vanilla with cookie crumble and fudge in the middle!
Dairy Queen birthday cakes are the best! I ALWAYS get an ice cream cake for my birthday! Whether it’s Oreo, cookie dough, or even just plain chocolate and vanilla with cookie crumble and fudge in the middle! -