
  Member Since:  December 9, 2009


on May 20, 2016  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

Sorry hon for just getting back to you now. I have been working so much so many people off work with bad colds. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thanks so much for thinking of me xo

on May 20, 2016  Ali de Bold  15 said:

Oh you are so sweet! Happy (belated) Mother's Day to you too!

on May 16, 2016  fredamans  12,209 said:

I'll be sure to fill you in on how it is! :-)
So how is the recovery doing lately?
  Thank You

on May 16, 2016  wonderwhatif  86,334 said:

I got sick and had to reschedule! Keep an eye out on groupon as they often have deals there for them!

on May 13, 2016  fredamans  12,209 said:

Are we there yet? LOL

It's just another weekend to me.
I'm looking forward to June 4th. Just got my tickets for Medieval Times. I can't wait, never been. Taking both kids too, so it'll be a nice family day, provided we don't kill each other. :-)

on May 13, 2016  wonderwhatif  86,334 said:

You too! I have a pottery class to go to!
  Thank You

on May 13, 2016  KrissiC  25,848 said:

Thank you! Have an awesome weekend too!!!

on May 10, 2016  fredamans  12,209 said:

I'm sorry to hear yours didn't go so hot. Mine was probably the best one I've had in a lot of years. I'm thankful, that's for sure.
  Thank You

on May 09, 2016  fredamans  12,209 said:

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day! <3
  Thank You

on May 08, 2016  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

Thanks Hon your so sweet , I hope you have a nice Sunday also

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