This product seems pretty.good. to the pricier products. The look is good and size is appropriate and fits in my makeup bag for travel. It's a fair price.also for the product too.
This product seems pretty.good. to the pricier products. The look is good and size is appropriate and fits in my makeup bag for travel. It's a fair price.also for the product too. -
What happened to the big crunch? I bought for years and now it's just a fraction of a big crunch. Should be named bit sized crunch now. I'm so disappointed only think of money now. Twice the price for half the chicken now
What happened to the big crunch? I bought for years and now it's just a fraction of a big crunch. Should be named bit sized crunch now. I'm so disappointed only think of money now. Twice the price for half the chicken now -
I like this one over most. They make an alcohol free mouthwash which is even better for most people also. I like the whitening l8ne as well. The all in one is the best selection having what people want most and tastes ok too
I like this one over most. They make an alcohol free mouthwash which is even better for most people also. I like the whitening l8ne as well. The all in one is the best selection having what people want most and tastes ok too -
I use this only when going clubbing or on a date. This is a fair bit pricey but no more than the good stuff but smells sensual and I've never had a bad review when I'm out. They seem to be drawn to me when I'm wearing it 😁
I use this only when going clubbing or on a date. This is a fair bit pricey but no more than the good stuff but smells sensual and I've never had a bad review when I'm out. They seem to be drawn to me when I'm wearing it 😁 -
I find days i lose energy in afternoons. I like the deals at esso and shell like 2 for $5 and keep one for another day. It give a j7st enough as to not hype me up and I like the zero ultra with no sugar
I find days i lose energy in afternoons. I like the deals at esso and shell like 2 for $5 and keep one for another day. It give a j7st enough as to not hype me up and I like the zero ultra with no sugar -
I use it once a week and it feels and smells great. It's a bit gelly and need to put little on your palm so as to not lose it but when applied it soothes and moisturized me all over
I use it once a week and it feels and smells great. It's a bit gelly and need to put little on your palm so as to not lose it but when applied it soothes and moisturized me all over -
It does ad it states. The volume achieved was good and adds just enough to achieve a dynamic and volumous hair. I have tried others but this one was adequate for my shoulder length hair
It does ad it states. The volume achieved was good and adds just enough to achieve a dynamic and volumous hair. I have tried others but this one was adequate for my shoulder length hair -