My grandson loves this toy. He hasn’t put it down since I gave it to him. He gets to use his imagination while having fun using all the characters included and some he has already, while discovering all the secret rooms and hidden treasures in the... +
My grandson loves this toy. He hasn’t put it down since I gave it to him. He gets to use his imagination while having fun using all the characters included and some he has already, while discovering all the secret rooms and hidden treasures in the castle. -
My 3 year old is loving this toy, and I think it's great that it comes with the hero and the villain. The details on the characters are great. The flowing cape was a nice touch! My grandson had problems getting the characters into the flyer to hold... +
My 3 year old is loving this toy, and I think it's great that it comes with the hero and the villain. The details on the characters are great. The flowing cape was a nice touch! My grandson had problems getting the characters into the flyer to hold onto the handles. He also couldn’t get the legs to bend enough for the feet to sit properly on the footrests. These are the reasons for the 4 rating. The picture I’m including is the final way he set up his mission with a little help from grandmom! -