
  Member Since:  May 2, 2011


on July 29, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey Jen how are you today? I was just wondering if there's bin any news
about Ali and the new baby Chick? If you know and can't say I
understand. I want to pick something up for the new baby Chick, but I
wanted to wait until I know if its a girl Chick, or a boy Chick. Like I
said if you can't tell me I understand and I'll just have to wait like
everyone else. Have a nice day Jen and stay cool like I know you are.

  Thank You

on July 20, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Hi Jen, I'm so happy your feeling better now, just
make sure you keep applying some kind of lotion on your self and
use sun screen from now on. You're like me, I'm a junk food junkie
to. I gave up drinking coffee last May and haven't had a drop
since, but I have to buy my chocolate drop every week. Stopping
the coffee was easier then I though it would be, especially in the
mornings. I found I was dumping more of it down the sink because I
was yapping so much on here and my coffee was just getting cold.
So I just stopped making it thinking I'd go back to
it when it got cold out side, but I just never did make more. I
have a full can of coffee that's bin in my cupboard since last May.
I don't know if it goes bad, so I just haven't tossed it out. I
guess I really should get on with it and make more room for some

My mom drinks coffee to, but she doesn't drink a ton of
it, just one in the morning. She drinks alcohol to, but not a
lot, she doesn't go out and get drunk, just a few with dinner just
about every night. So these things can't hurt you as long as you
don't over do it. You'd be surprised at the things we can learn from
older people if we'd just sit there a listen to what they have to
say. My Grandma used Keri lotion everyday and Keri bath oil in her
bath and she looked great. I forgot all about that until now, thank for
helping me remember that. Stay cool like I know you are!


on July 20, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey Jen how are you feeling today? Did you get the stuff
I told you about and if you did how did it work out for you? I didn't
mean to come on so strong, I just don't want to see you hurt your self
and especially because some one else is egging you on to do it. Next
time they bug you to tan tell them what I told you and maybe they'll
change they're minds. If not think back to how you felt the last time
you tanned and how much pain you were in. That should help you to say no
thanks next time. And yes my mom does take great care of her self. Her
Dr even told her she was in better shape then he was and he thought he
was pretty healthy. She doesn't do much to stay in such nice shape
either. She walks and doesn't eat a lot of junk food. She doesn't smoke
and never did and she doesn't drink much either. Other then that she
just makes sure she washes her makeup off ever night and tries her best
not to get up set about the little things we can't change any how. She
also got great anti aging jeans from her mother. She died when she was
87 and didn't look like she was over 60. Its to bad I have so many of my
fathers jeans, or there might be some hope for me too. LOL Have a nice
day and stay out of the sun!!

on July 19, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Pretty much anything that has SPF 30 is good, no little no more is
needed, but you have to apply enough of it. That's where a lot of people
go wrong and end up burnt even though they use it. I was told to put an
egg size amount into my hand and that's how much to use every time and
to reapply it every hour, or after you've bin in the water. Now that's a
lot of sunscreen and it can get pretty pricey when you see how small
the bottles are. You don't have to buy the most expensive for it to
work, as long as the SPF 30 any kind will work and it can even be the
cheapest you can find. I'm hardly even out side any more because of all
the things I have wrong with me. So I only use a sunscreen when I know
I'm going to be out side for more then a half hour. I haven't even
bought one this year other then the face cream I use everyday that
already has sunscreen in it. You know too much sun can also age you big
time. My step mother, that I can stand, but that's another story, her
face and arms looks like she's in her 80's. She's all dried up and her
skin looks like wrinkled up tanned paper. I just found out last year
that she's not that old at all, she's really only in her 50s!! Now my
mom is 71 and people still ask me if she's my sister. That's what the
sun can do for you. If you want to stay looking as young and as
beautiful as you are now when your old, then stay out of the sun now. If
you really want a tan use a fake tan and for God sake stay out of those
sun tanning machines, they can be just as bad for you. Unless you want
to look like a old dried up rattlesnake when your 30!! I've seen people
with skin cancer and its not pretty. I knew a man that had half of his
face gone because of skin cancer and it was all because he loved the
sun. So be a good girl and cover up. Oh and that feeling your feeling
now is your skin still burning on the under layer, so try what I told
you, it should take that feeling away and make you feel more
comfortable. I hope you feel better soon Jen.

on July 19, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Morning Jen how are you feeling today? I didn't read about your sun burn until late last night, you bad girl!!

My husband is good at getting burnt really bad at the beginning of every summer and this has always worked for us.

Put a half a cup of Epsom salt into a large bowl filled with
slightly warm water and stir it
until the salt is dissolved. Then soak some cloths, or even towels
in it and apply them to the burnt areas. Keep re-soaking them and
reapplying them until you feel more comfortable. This will not only take
the burning feeling away, but will sooth your skin. After try
applying some Aloe
Vera base after sun, or even some aloe from the real plant if you
have one that will also help to heel your skin. Pretty much
anything with Aloe Vera will help
to heel your skin. Now don't do that again!! And here's a good
why not to ever do it again.

I thought I was real smart back when I was in my teens and
twenties and never used sun screen, I even would put baby oil on
myself to get a deeper tan. One summer I went and did my same
summer tanning with a bottle of baby oil only to be so burnt that
my skin not only burnt it blistered!! My chest and back were so
covered in blister the next day it was scary and they didn't completely heel
until that fall. I thought for sure I was going to be scared for life,
but after it was gone and the next summer returned, I thought that
was just a one time thing and would never happen to me again.
Thinking I was being even smarter I left the baby oil at home, but still
used a sun tanning oil. I ended up in worse shape that summer then
I was the first time and the Dr even though he might have to do
skin grafting on me. I got lucky and it completely heel ounce again but
ever since then if I'm out in the sun with out any SPF on, even for
a short time I blister. So the sun is nothing to fool with any
more and hasn't been for years now. Please don't ever do that
again. I hope you feel better soon. Oh and you're lucky your so
far away from me or I kick your but for ya. Feel better kiddo, hugs but just light ones for now.

on July 15, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Thanks for adding that pic for me Jen. I don't know what I was doing wrong when I was trying to
add those pic's. You'd think after using a computer for eight years
I'd know what I was doing. I tend to forget how to do
things unless I'm doing them everyday. The joys of having brain
damage, but not being able to remember can come in handy at time's,
so it's not all bad.LOL


on July 14, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Jen Takoda's will be five on Aug 23. I just used his baby pic when I first joined because it was so cute, well at least I think so and I hate pic's of myself..

on July 11, 2011  OhLaLaLane  335 said:

Haha...I can relate girl....I always curly my hair....but it looks really good so keep up with it!

on July 11, 2011  GlamGal  2,378 said:

Thanks for signing my guestbook! I guess you are correct..."these things" do not happen within an hour! I am eager though, and cannot wait to bak from someone soon!

on July 11, 2011  OhLaLaLane  335 said:

Dear member,
You have great hair...it looks really cute all curly like that :-)
I like this site a lot. Hope there is a fashion section added SOON!
  Cute Picture

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