| Thanks Jen, I have so many things that are wrong with me,
it's almost funny when I add them all up. I have to take eleven different pills
everyday plus pain killers just so I can survive each day. So if I didn't try
to stay positive I'd be in a really bad place all of the time and who wants to
live like that. I sure don't want to end up becoming that cranky old lady that
lived down the road that we use to run from as kids. LOL So when I do start to
feel down, or I'm having a really bad day, I just tell myself, there's always
someone else in the world that has it way worse off then I have it. Then I look
around at all the good things that I do have and the things that I can still
do. I may not have made it to the Olympic running track like I dreamed I was
going to as a kid, but I can still walk. We may not have the cabin in the woods
that we always wanted, but I do have a home. Things like that can always make
you feel more thankful for what you do have, or what you can still do when you
start to feel like life sucks and why did this happen to me. My puppy also
really helps me to get through my days; he's been the best dog I ever had from
day one. I'm not sure if you were here yet when I was still using his puppy pic
as my profile pic, but I still have him in my pic's if you'd like to see him.
I've been meaning to up date his pic, but I just keep forgetting. My seizures also
affect my memory, so if I don't do something right away, or write it down I'll
forget all about it. Now that can be a good thing sometimes. LOL
Have a nice day Jen and thank you for having my back, I really appreciated it.
Thank You |
| Hi, Thanks for responding to my thread about working at a fashion magazine! You are so helpful. Do you know how I can apply for an internship or to be a contributer at ChickAdvisor? I would love to do that! Love, GlamGal
Good Writer |
| Sorry Jen I meant to put that in Tammy's guest book. My brain isn't working very well today. I had a few brake through seizures yesterday and it takes me a few days to get back to myself after that happens.
| Hey Tammy, I was shocked when I opened my mail box yesterday and it was in there and it was the only thing I got yesterday. I love days like that when I get surprises and not bills.LOL I hate having my pic taken, but if I think about it later I'll have one of my boys take one of me wearing it just for you guys. Stay cool.
Cool |
| Gee thanks Jen. I really love my Chick tank and will be
wearing it out today. I'll let you know if anyone asks me were I got it,
I sure hope someone does so I can help get even more sold. I picked
that pic for two reasons, one it just looks so good on you, LOL and two
it was the same tank that I got. Stay cool kiddo.
Stylish |
| I saw the link from your page ! Lucky you get to work here !!!
Pretty |
| Thanks for checking out my blog and reviews! I am so happy you liked them :-) http://flauntitmagazine.blogspot.com
Thank You |
| Your reviews are so helpful! I really enjoy reading them. It would be so cool if you could check out mine some time and let me know if I was able to help you!
Good Writer |
| hey jskim07, I did not receive the email, but we are having a "canada post lock out" so I have not gotten any mail at all in the last 2 weeks! I will add your email address to my safe list, can you resend the link?
Pretty |
| I talked to Claire Rahn back and forth on email yesterday. I thought it was all straightened out. Please advise if it isn't. She allowed me an extra week, as the weather has been so horrible we haven't had a chance to try them out. Thanks. Debbie