
  Member Since:  July 19, 2014


on April 04, 2017  danaorgnero  26,294 said:

Thank you so much! My teenager did my makeup for me, she's turning 16 this summer and really talented. She used the Anastasia Pomaid Dip Brow for my brows :) I am so bad at doing my own ha ha ha!!!

on March 13, 2017  jmca  9,275 said:

Have sent a friend request to you.

on March 02, 2017  eka248  23,666 said:

Hey girl!
I grew up in Ontario, North York and moved east with my family when I was 8.
I live in Riverview now, but spent most of my life growing up in Hillsborough, super small town about 1000 people just outside of Moncton!
& of course, thanks for the friend request

on March 01, 2017  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

Hi Katherine so nice of you to think of me. It has been pretty mild here in Hamilton also. But we are getting so much rain. We had thunder storms last night. It is suppose to get colder tomorrow

on March 01, 2017  tracy1963  6,711 said:

Hi Katherine my newest friend. Nice to meet you. I love this site.Everyone is helpful and friendly. You can never have too many friends. Have a great evening
  Good Writer

on February 28, 2017  BesoYT  3,557 said:


Thank you for the kind comments about my reviews! I'm glad they were helpful for you. I of course will accept your friend request. I'm still a new Chick so I'm happy to connect and meet new ladies.
  Thank You

on February 28, 2017  Vavavanessa  6,804 said:

Thanks so much for the friend request Katherine!

on February 28, 2017  danaorgnero  26,294 said:

Good morning! Thanks for adding me :)
  Thank You

on March 19, 2016  tatjanadannemann  10,238 said:

Hi just send you a friend request would love to get to know more about you !

on March 18, 2016  blubie  86,673 said:

thank you for adding me!!! i love giving my honest reviews on products that we use daily!!! i also really love trying new things and meeting and chatting with fellow chicks .... have a super weekend!!!!

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