My name is Katherine and my small family and I just relocated from Seattle, Washington to Columbus Ohio. We really miss the West Coast but we are enjoying making our new home here in Columbus, Ohio.
I'm not exactly sure what I should ideally be saying in this "About Me" section but if you'd like to know anything about my personal life, I'll happily tell you all about it, but I am imagining that's probably not but this section is designed for, ha, so I will speak to what I imagine those reading are more interested in reading. :)
I have been a big Amazon fan and buyer since 2008, and I've always enjoyed writing reviews for the products I've purchased. Finally, in August 2017, I thought I would do a little research and find out how all of these people in reviews were receiving free and discounted products. I have recently learned that Amazon's terms have changed and I can't be officially asked to write a review in exchange for a product that I receive either for free or discounted, however I give my 100% word (which actually means a ton if you knew me) that I would write a QUALITY Amazon review for any products that I receive here.
Back in 2008, I started out writing relatively short and to the point reviews. In retrospect I can't say they probably all that helpful to others since I would basically just say that I liked the product, or if I didn't I'd simply say what could be improved upon. However lately I've begun taking a lot more time and writing more educational, helpful and thorough reviews. I really enjoy writing them now too mainly because I know that's it's important to both the sellers and the buyers. I sure appreciate it when other people take the time to write helpful reviews for me to read when I'm trying to decide on a purchase.
I will come back to finish this in a just a bit. ;)