When we 1st received this item my daughter was really excited. She loved the idea of a book projecting on to a wall. She was a little disappointed that it was Mickey Mouse, but she still wanted to try it out. We used it before bed & it was perfect... +
When we 1st received this item my daughter was really excited. She loved the idea of a book projecting on to a wall. She was a little disappointed that it was Mickey Mouse, but she still wanted to try it out. We used it before bed & it was perfect. Reading to her with the lights already off. It put her to sleep fast. I asked her a few other times if she wanted to use it, but she was more interested in her paper books. I think this is a really good idea. Maybe if it was princess characters my daughter would have been more interested. Or maybe she would have been more interested if she was younger. She's 5 right now. Maybe perfect for a 3 year old. In my opinion it's worth about $20. At that price I'd definitely recommend it. -
Most toys these days are expensive, but about $25 for this toy is a perfect price. You get a cute little playset, 2 Hatchimals, & a few cardboard pieces to decorate with. I'm not a big fan of the cardboard pieces though. They tear easily & they were... +
Most toys these days are expensive, but about $25 for this toy is a perfect price. You get a cute little playset, 2 Hatchimals, & a few cardboard pieces to decorate with. I'm not a big fan of the cardboard pieces though. They tear easily & they were a little difficult for my 5 year old to set up. Also, I feel like they could easily get lost or mixed up with trash. The playset itself is really cute. It has a lot of lights & music. My daughter loved that part. There are so many different things that you can make the Hatchimals do. Very cute! -
When I 1st got my Keurig, I bought every K-Cup that I thought I might like. This was the one I had to continuously buy. I love it. Delicious & strong for a medium blend.
When I 1st got my Keurig, I bought every K-Cup that I thought I might like. This was the one I had to continuously buy. I love it. Delicious & strong for a medium blend. -
These are delicious. I buy the 13oz & the smaller 4 packs. They're a little pricey, but delicious. They do give me a little energy, but not as much as I would get if I get a in store Starbucks coffee. It's fast & easy though. Perfect for morning... +
These are delicious. I buy the 13oz & the smaller 4 packs. They're a little pricey, but delicious. They do give me a little energy, but not as much as I would get if I get a in store Starbucks coffee. It's fast & easy though. Perfect for morning rushes. -
This comes in a large pump bottle that lasts forever & gives my daughter the feeling that she's a big girl & can wash herself. She loves the smell. She loves to pump it all by herself. I love that it lasts over 2 months.
This comes in a large pump bottle that lasts forever & gives my daughter the feeling that she's a big girl & can wash herself. She loves the smell. She loves to pump it all by herself. I love that it lasts over 2 months. -
I've been buying all types of Revlon foundation for the last 6 years or so. I buy one, fall in love, & they change the formula. Then I have to find a new one. I find another, fall in love again, & the process repeats. Don't fix something that isn't... +
I've been buying all types of Revlon foundation for the last 6 years or so. I buy one, fall in love, & they change the formula. Then I have to find a new one. I find another, fall in love again, & the process repeats. Don't fix something that isn't broken is my advice to them. -
My mom used to buy these for us on special occasions when we had extra money. It became a luxury. Now I buy them when they'll fit in my freezer. They're really good, really pricey, & hard to eat a lot of, but delicious none the less.
My mom used to buy these for us on special occasions when we had extra money. It became a luxury. Now I buy them when they'll fit in my freezer. They're really good, really pricey, & hard to eat a lot of, but delicious none the less. -