I've been a sufferer of coldsores for years. These patches do work. If my coldsore is tiny , I cut the patch in half , that way they last longer as they are kinda pricey. Also, when I take a the patch off, it's important to let your sore air out... +
I've been a sufferer of coldsores for years. These patches do work. If my coldsore is tiny , I cut the patch in half , that way they last longer as they are kinda pricey. Also, when I take a the patch off, it's important to let your sore air out. Once it was sdried after removing said patch, I apply abreva, and let that sit for an hour before I apply a new patch. Along with taking l-lysine and Vit. C, my coldsores last about a week. Another tip, DO NOT Pick at or touch your sore , def. disrupts the healing process -