A bit pricey for what it does but it is sturdy. It works well when we go to some places but other tables it won't fit on the tables. It is good but not great which makes the price a questionable aspect.
A bit pricey for what it does but it is sturdy. It works well when we go to some places but other tables it won't fit on the tables. It is good but not great which makes the price a questionable aspect. -
These are perfect for your little ones poster, perfect when you need to quickly clean up or cook dinner and you have them put in there for a couple minutes. Works perfectly but always supervise when they are in it.
These are perfect for your little ones poster, perfect when you need to quickly clean up or cook dinner and you have them put in there for a couple minutes. Works perfectly but always supervise when they are in it. -
I love this when I want to paint my nails and go. They do scrape easily if you do something with your hands right away but if you just go on with your life then they work perfectly.
I love this when I want to paint my nails and go. They do scrape easily if you do something with your hands right away but if you just go on with your life then they work perfectly. -
I love these, I have tried different types of air fresheners and they never work as well as these. These ones make my whole car smell awesome, have been buying these for over four years now and worth every penny.
I love these, I have tried different types of air fresheners and they never work as well as these. These ones make my whole car smell awesome, have been buying these for over four years now and worth every penny. -
It might be different but I leave my wax burners on almost all day and I find that these to not keep the smell through my house as long as I would like.
It might be different but I leave my wax burners on almost all day and I find that these to not keep the smell through my house as long as I would like. -
Essie works well with my working hands. I work physically demanding jobs, all with my hand and Essie never seems to chip as much as the rest of the nail polish's out there. It does chip but not as noticeable.
Essie works well with my working hands. I work physically demanding jobs, all with my hand and Essie never seems to chip as much as the rest of the nail polish's out there. It does chip but not as noticeable. -
These flossers work wonderfully. They glide no problem, no frays, no breakage. They are so easy to use anytime anywhere that it makes flossing a breeze.
These flossers work wonderfully. They glide no problem, no frays, no breakage. They are so easy to use anytime anywhere that it makes flossing a breeze. -
This product works wonders when I am cleaning, I love using it in the tub because we get a lot of hair dye marks from all my girls. On top of that a little dab on a cloth and a bit of scrubbing clears most hair dye off their skin as well.
This product works wonders when I am cleaning, I love using it in the tub because we get a lot of hair dye marks from all my girls. On top of that a little dab on a cloth and a bit of scrubbing clears most hair dye off their skin as well. -
This cleaner is awesome and convenient, it is easy to have one in many rooms and just quickly use it. Unfortunately it does not work as well as concentrated windex but it does work on easy quick marks.
This cleaner is awesome and convenient, it is easy to have one in many rooms and just quickly use it. Unfortunately it does not work as well as concentrated windex but it does work on easy quick marks. -
I used to use different products thinking it wouldn't make a difference but when I tried this I stopped using those and now I just use Gain. This product leaves my clothes soft and clean but my favourite of all is that whenever I get a chance to... +
I used to use different products thinking it wouldn't make a difference but when I tried this I stopped using those and now I just use Gain. This product leaves my clothes soft and clean but my favourite of all is that whenever I get a chance to wear the clothing item it still smells like the apple mango tango. -