I feel that this deoderant works well. I can't say the same for everyone though. Some body types just don't work with certain deoderants. If your one of those people that can pretty much use anything, like me, I would reccomend giving... +
I feel that this deoderant works well. I can't say the same for everyone though. Some body types just don't work with certain deoderants. If your one of those people that can pretty much use anything, like me, I would reccomend giving this a try. It goes on smooth, keeps me feeling fresh, dry and smelling good. -
I jus think this coffee has the best taste. After trying even the cheapest, just to save money, i had to go back to folgers. Nothing compares to the taste and with coupons and dollar store shopping I can get it for a good price. I would reccomend... +
I jus think this coffee has the best taste. After trying even the cheapest, just to save money, i had to go back to folgers. Nothing compares to the taste and with coupons and dollar store shopping I can get it for a good price. I would reccomend this coffee to any coffee drinker out there. Its just heavenly to smell this coffee roasting in the morning. -
The wipes are good for on the go or for at home. If you don't have a source of water then these wipes are perfect. Just take them out wherever you are and give your face that fresh and clean feeling you are looking for, no matter where you are.
The wipes are good for on the go or for at home. If you don't have a source of water then these wipes are perfect. Just take them out wherever you are and give your face that fresh and clean feeling you are looking for, no matter where you are. -
I found this product to work great. If you want your face feeling clean and free of dead skin as well as other things, you should use the St. Ives apricot scrub to exfoliate your face. I love this stuff.
I found this product to work great. If you want your face feeling clean and free of dead skin as well as other things, you should use the St. Ives apricot scrub to exfoliate your face. I love this stuff. -
These are great, you just run them under the water, wash, rinse, and your done. And they work effectivly and get the job done, without makeing your skin feel gross.
These are great, you just run them under the water, wash, rinse, and your done. And they work effectivly and get the job done, without makeing your skin feel gross. -