This bag is absolutely gorgeous. Lots of room and the price is pretty great.
This bag is absolutely gorgeous. Lots of room and the price is pretty great. -
This is an amazing bag with lots of room for all babies things. Very cute aswell. A little pricey
This is an amazing bag with lots of room for all babies things. Very cute aswell. A little pricey -
This baby wash is okay but i dont like the smell that it has. Very gentle on the skin
This baby wash is okay but i dont like the smell that it has. Very gentle on the skin -
This is just a typical rubber duck but there is no hole on the bottom so it doesn't get all yucky on the inside. Very fun to play with in the bath
This is just a typical rubber duck but there is no hole on the bottom so it doesn't get all yucky on the inside. Very fun to play with in the bath -
This is a good cup that does not leak. It has cute colours and two soft handles.
This is a good cup that does not leak. It has cute colours and two soft handles. -
Daughter loves the taste and the cute packaging. Cleans her teeth just fine.
Daughter loves the taste and the cute packaging. Cleans her teeth just fine. -
Love using this for when my kids get colds. Clears them right out. I have always enjoyed the smell of vicks.
Love using this for when my kids get colds. Clears them right out. I have always enjoyed the smell of vicks. -
Good detergent cleans the clothes well. But i don't really like the smell
Good detergent cleans the clothes well. But i don't really like the smell -
My daughter loves this show. The theme song is very catchy and keeps her occupied for a while.
My daughter loves this show. The theme song is very catchy and keeps her occupied for a while. -
These are good wipes with a lovely smell. Very gentle on babies skin.
These are good wipes with a lovely smell. Very gentle on babies skin. -