
  Member Since:  March 25, 2014


on July 22, 2015  Cat22 said:

thank you kissthebunny!

I can see you have done 2 of the 3 items so thanks for that! The third one for the Diaper Rash Cream seems to be missing though. Here is the link to make sure you are writing it in the right item:

Hope that helps!

on July 20, 2015  Cat22 said:


We are trying to reach you regarding your reviews for
the CeraVe campaign you were selected for. We have not received a review
from you for any of the three items. Perhaps you did submit them, but
we didn't get it for some reason, so if you could kindly re-submit your
reviews, that would be great.
Thank you very much, and we look forward to reading them!

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