This car seat was great when my son was a newborn. He had lots of room and I could easily strap him in. Now that he is a few months older he just seems so uncomfortable in it and does not like going in. That being said, once he is in and moving he's... +
This car seat was great when my son was a newborn. He had lots of room and I could easily strap him in. Now that he is a few months older he just seems so uncomfortable in it and does not like going in. That being said, once he is in and moving he's great. It easily clicks into the base in the car. You also don't need the base, you can use the seat belt and a rolled up towel or noodle which is great when my husband has the car with the base. I also love that it fits so easily into the Britax B agile stroller. All in all it is a good car seat, especially when usin it with the stroller. -
This is such an easy stroller to use. It folds nicely with little to no effort and fits great in my trunk. The three wheels make very easy to turn and steer. It's fairly lightweight, I'm able to carry it with one hand. The Britax B safe 35 car seat... +
This is such an easy stroller to use. It folds nicely with little to no effort and fits great in my trunk. The three wheels make very easy to turn and steer. It's fairly lightweight, I'm able to carry it with one hand. The Britax B safe 35 car seat fits perfectly and super easily onto the stroller. I would definitely recommend this stroller to another mom or mom to be. It makes going out, either for a walk or to stores with my son so much easier. -