This was one of the best toys I’ve ever bought for my little niece. She absolutely loves this toy, and still takes it with her every where. The rubber was hard so she couldn’t break through it with her teeth, and it was easy to wash, doesn’t... +
This was one of the best toys I’ve ever bought for my little niece. She absolutely loves this toy, and still takes it with her every where. The rubber was hard so she couldn’t break through it with her teeth, and it was easy to wash, doesn’t leave that weird residue on the surface of the toy so that’s a plus! -
So creamy, love how the bubbles melt in your mouth. Very reasonable price, and you most definitely get your money’s worth when you buy them. Hard to eat just one!
So creamy, love how the bubbles melt in your mouth. Very reasonable price, and you most definitely get your money’s worth when you buy them. Hard to eat just one! -