I started using Luv’s for my newborn because they were gifted to me, and I was certainly hesitant because I’ve always used Pampers with my other two and thought there was no way possible they could live up to them. I was wrong. I’m such a... +
I started using Luv’s for my newborn because they were gifted to me, and I was certainly hesitant because I’ve always used Pampers with my other two and thought there was no way possible they could live up to them. I was wrong. I’m such a freak about what I put on my newborns skin because all of my kids are super sensitive to new textures and fabrics so I was super nervous about that, but these are surprisingly soft and gentle to where he was so comfortable in them that he wouldn’t even cry when he was wet! They hold great, too, as he just started sleeping in longer intervals through the night, and I am happy to say that we’ve had zero problems with leakage in the past 6 weeks that we’ve been using them. Not a single blow out. I definitely plan on continuing to use these compared to other brands. The price is also reasonable. -
I ordered the Spectra S2 Breastpump through my insurance after having used another brand for the first few weeks of human milk feeding. I absolutely love this pump. We’ve had an extremely rocky road with breastfeeding, and if it wasn’t for this... +
I ordered the Spectra S2 Breastpump through my insurance after having used another brand for the first few weeks of human milk feeding. I absolutely love this pump. We’ve had an extremely rocky road with breastfeeding, and if it wasn’t for this pump, I would’ve been way past dried up. My little bubba is 10 weeks old and we were only given 2 minutes to breastfeed when he was born due to him having swallowed an alarming amount of amniotic fluid while on the inside, he was swooped away from me to be suctioned for 20 minutes, then brought to the NICU for 6 hours for his temperature to be regulated, and due to a mix up in the hospital, he was given formula. Cue the Mommy tears because I was devastated. Not because he’d been given formula, but because my milk was readily available, but nobody bothered to check his chart to see that he was being breastfed. Shortly after, another nurse gave him a pacifier after his circumcision, again without my knowledge. Our latch issues started there and I was having trouble keeping up with him as my supply was slowly dwindling away to nothing. I’ve been using the S2 for 3 weeks now and have doubled by supply. I’m still not producing enough to feed him for a full 24 hours, but I have no doubt in my mind that this pump will one day get me to where I no longer have to supplement! It is super quiet (not completely silent, but way quieter than my other pump that sounded like a drill) so I can pump while he’s sleeping to prepare for his next feed. The customizable suction levels are HEAVEN SENT, making it super fast and efficient and as comfortable as you’d like. My pump came with the standard flanges of 24 and 27mm, which I should note are both too big for me, so I’ve had to order separate flanges, but besides that I have zero complaints. And my little man does so good with the Spectra bottles which he’s very picky about. We’ve finally perfected his latch and he’s had zero issue going from bottle to breast during the seldom occasions I am able to nurse him. I can’t say enough good things about this pump. Breastfeeding was super important to me and I feel like our journey would have ended long ago if I hadn’t come across the reviews for this pump online. I highly recommend it. -