one of the best advancements in Cellular phones has been the ability to add an external memory card. sadly this phone got rid of that feature (just to reimplement it in later models) its a great handy phone but it would have been a better phone had... +
one of the best advancements in Cellular phones has been the ability to add an external memory card. sadly this phone got rid of that feature (just to reimplement it in later models) its a great handy phone but it would have been a better phone had they kept that trend going. -
There are necessities to have then there is Lysol whites. They work on the hardest and toughest of stains, they smell great and just from holding them I feel like my hand is instantly cleaner than it was prior to touching it.
There are necessities to have then there is Lysol whites. They work on the hardest and toughest of stains, they smell great and just from holding them I feel like my hand is instantly cleaner than it was prior to touching it. -
Omega3s aren't all the same but I suppose getting some is better than getting none. Its often on sale and its handy to have where/when ever cooking up something for the family.
Omega3s aren't all the same but I suppose getting some is better than getting none. Its often on sale and its handy to have where/when ever cooking up something for the family. -
The ad of oil spill rescue workers cleaning animals was all I needed to see to want this product in my house. If it works on them, during such a harsh time, it can work on my toughest dishes.
The ad of oil spill rescue workers cleaning animals was all I needed to see to want this product in my house. If it works on them, during such a harsh time, it can work on my toughest dishes. -
I have over apple sauce since I was child and Mott's Apple sauce is the best name brand product on the market. The best part is it comes unsweetened and depending on the store, comes at a great price!
I have over apple sauce since I was child and Mott's Apple sauce is the best name brand product on the market. The best part is it comes unsweetened and depending on the store, comes at a great price! -