These jeans fit my small frame and long legs. I have always had trouble finding the right fit for myself. When I found Mavi jeans, I was ecstatic! I will never go back!
These jeans fit my small frame and long legs. I have always had trouble finding the right fit for myself. When I found Mavi jeans, I was ecstatic!
I will never go back!
This magnesium has a very absorbable form of magnesium. Citrates has a laxative effect which can be annoying. Bisglysinate will not have a laxative effect. I always purchase this brand!
This magnesium has a very absorbable form of magnesium. Citrates has a laxative effect which can be annoying.
Bisglysinate will not have a laxative effect. I always purchase this brand!
I have chronic pain that I pay a lot of money for physio etc. Dr. Ho’s system really relieves pain in muscles and nerves(TENS). I am grateful to have this machine in the comfort of my home.
I have chronic pain that I pay a lot of money for physio etc.
Dr. Ho’s system really relieves pain in muscles and nerves(TENS). I am grateful to have this machine in the comfort of my home.
This essential oil is so aromatic! It is 100%pure lavender and it is super calming! I’ve tried other brand that are very pricey, but Now brand is high quality at a fair price.
This essential oil is so aromatic! It is 100%pure lavender and it is super calming!
I’ve tried other brand that are very pricey, but Now brand is high quality at a fair price.
This foundation smoothed out all my pores and gave a flawless finish. I did not break out like I usually do with other foundations. It is now my go to.
This foundation smoothed out all my pores and gave a flawless finish.
I did not break out like I usually do with other foundations. It is now my go to.