My son loves it. It was very easy to put together. Nothing major at all, my 4 year old son even helped put it together. He has played with it non stop since we got it. If you are thinking about buying this, I highly recommend it.
My son loves it. It was very easy to put together. Nothing major at all, my 4 year old son even helped put it together. He has played with it non stop since we got it. If you are thinking about buying this, I highly recommend it. -
We got this product for free in the mail to try. I've never heard of it before recieving it. And now I know everything there is too know. My daughter loves it! She says it's similar to a furby. You "feed" it and "play" with it. They are adorable!
We got this product for free in the mail to try. I've never heard of it before recieving it. And now I know everything there is too know. My daughter loves it! She says it's similar to a furby. You "feed" it and "play" with it. They are adorable! -
My daughter lives them! Not going to lie they are pricey! A little too pricey if you ask me. But it's what she wanted. Does give them the thrill of opening all the accessories and stuff.
My daughter lives them! Not going to lie they are pricey! A little too pricey if you ask me. But it's what she wanted. Does give them the thrill of opening all the accessories and stuff. -
The tatse is amazing. It goes good with almost anything! Even my kids love this stuff. If you have never tried it, definitely add it to your store list. You won't be disappointed!
The tatse is amazing. It goes good with almost anything! Even my kids love this stuff. If you have never tried it, definitely add it to your store list. You won't be disappointed! -
Super easy to set up and connect to the internet. I downloaded Hulu, and Netflix on it with no problems. You can also download games, pictures, music ECT on it too. Comes with a touch screen recharble remote and it's charging cord.
Super easy to set up and connect to the internet. I downloaded Hulu, and Netflix on it with no problems. You can also download games, pictures, music ECT on it too. Comes with a touch screen recharble remote and it's charging cord. -
As any parent, you look for effectiveness for pull ups. No leaks, and breathable for your child. Hold over nite, so no accidents and laundry! I've never had a problem with these pull ups. Easy for my son to pull down and up.
As any parent, you look for effectiveness for pull ups. No leaks, and breathable for your child. Hold over nite, so no accidents and laundry! I've never had a problem with these pull ups. Easy for my son to pull down and up. -
It's a durable tablet for kids. Has rubber around the whole tablet, for shock proofing. The price is great. And it has two modes, one like a regular tablet for downloading games from Google. And one mode "learning mode" where it's only games for... +
It's a durable tablet for kids. Has rubber around the whole tablet, for shock proofing. The price is great. And it has two modes, one like a regular tablet for downloading games from Google. And one mode "learning mode" where it's only games for learning. Battery life is great, last about 6 hours fully charged. Has parent lock automatically installed on the device. And parent monitoring too. Highly recommend. -
My daughter loves these. They are super cute, and easy for a child to understand. Similar to a furbie (any 90s parents know what those are lol) if you get more than one, they will interact with each other, dance, sing. Child can "feed" them and... +
My daughter loves these. They are super cute, and easy for a child to understand. Similar to a furbie (any 90s parents know what those are lol) if you get more than one, they will interact with each other, dance, sing. Child can "feed" them and "pet" them. They are adorable. -
These are Very durable! Easy to put on and take off (by you) they last a long time. And are easy to adjust to fit your cabinet. They won't slide around and scratch your cabinet either.
These are Very durable! Easy to put on and take off (by you) they last a long time. And are easy to adjust to fit your cabinet. They won't slide around and scratch your cabinet either. -
They work amazing! I didn't know they were a thing until I searched for ways to keep my kids from pulling out the chairs, other than stacking them on the table. They are a must have! They are durable. So no matter how many times your child pulls... +
They work amazing! I didn't know they were a thing until I searched for ways to keep my kids from pulling out the chairs, other than stacking them on the table. They are a must have! They are durable. So no matter how many times your child pulls, and pulls, they won't come off. They are easy to remove (by you) whenever you need them though. -