Makeup Guru Emily

  Member Since:  August 10, 2011


on November 22, 2011  Becky  13,128 said:

Hey gf, I'd love for you to vote for me for the Fuji camera. You can
vote by clicking on this link, scrolling down to my name and clicking
the Vote button.
Thanks so much! :-)
  Great Advice

on November 14, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

No thank you for understanding. Men can be a real pain in the but sometime!LOL
  Thank You

on November 11, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Morning Emily
I'm so sorry it took me so long to approve your request to be friends. I
only just saw it today when I received one for Anabel. My husband
shares my email addy with me and he sometimes deletes things before I
can get a chance to read them, that must be what happened with the
request you sent me. I feel so bad and I hope I didn't hurt your
feelings. I have know idea how long ago you made the request, but I hope
it hasn't bin to long and that you would still like to be friends with
me. Sorry again Emily, I hope you have a nice day.
  Thank You

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