My grandson loved it...used it with his other toys. Still plays with it off and on. Adds other trucks to it to make it more dun to play with. Definitely would purchase for another little boy for a gift.
My grandson loved it...used it with his other toys. Still plays with it off and on. Adds other trucks to it to make it more dun to play with. Definitely would purchase for another little boy for a gift. -
He was so excited to receive the paw patrol. He loved playing with it. Would love to find the rest of them to make it a set. He loves making up his own stories to play with them.
He was so excited to receive the paw patrol. He loved playing with it. Would love to find the rest of them to make it a set. He loves making up his own stories to play with them. -
Amazing flavor in every lick. I would definitely tell family and friends to purchase this flavor. Was rasp to find. Was great in a bowl with extra maple syrup drizzled on it.
Amazing flavor in every lick. I would definitely tell family and friends to purchase this flavor. Was rasp to find. Was great in a bowl with extra maple syrup drizzled on it. -