
  Member Since:  September 8, 2006


on July 13, 2012  sirenstarlight  7,239 said:

Thanks for the friend add! :)
I love reading your posts as well!
You always give the best advice! :)

on July 12, 2012  deecatz76  160 said:

I really enjoy reading your reviews and blogs.
Thanks alot!
  Good Writer

on June 06, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Thanks mamaluv, that was very nice of you to say. I love the site and
everyone hear. Have a great day and if your talking to the other ladies
tell them I said Hi and I hope they all have a great day too.
  Great Taste

on May 30, 2012  starrynight  552 said:

Thanks for the reminder, the review should be up and ready now :) Cheers!

on May 29, 2012  kouklamna  389 said:

So sosrry for the delay, haven't checked my's done now!! Thanks! Great website!!! Love!

on May 29, 2012  brankrispat  295 said:

i've commented on the dove bar soap twice now, am I missing something as i've been told that I have not as of yet....please help?

on May 29, 2012  scarrah  173 said:

Thanks for the reminder. I posted twice now. Hopefully this one actually "sticks". :)

on May 18, 2012  DawnMackie  3,667 said:

You are a very beautiful person, inside and out!

on May 07, 2012  Vlicious  3,821 said:

I absolutely adore all your advice in the forums!! You are, in fact, a very wise mom! :)
  Good Writer

on May 04, 2012  caryn1983  767 said:

Ok. Ive made sure its not being blocked. Thanks. Hope to recieve soon.
  Thank You

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