⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Holy Hydration! Makeup Remover by @e.l.f. is a game changer! This incredible product seamlessly removes even the toughest waterproof mascara and leaves my skin feeling silky smooth. Remarkably, I didn't lose any... +
Holy Hydration! Makeup Remover by @e.l.f. is a game changer! This incredible product seamlessly removes even the toughest waterproof mascara and leaves my skin feeling silky smooth. Remarkably, I didn't lose any eyelashes in the process! The fact that it's vegan and cruelty-free is a huge plus. Just remember to shake the bottle before use to activate the bi-phase formula. It truly melts the makeup away effortlessly. This is by far my favorite makeup remover I've ever used! Highly recommend!
I picked mine up at my local @shoppersdrugmart