This product from #shuuemra was GREAT. I got through #butterly which I found on #facebook and i also follow them on #instagram but this product made my skin feel so soft like butter. It did exactly what it says it is going to do and thankful it did... +
This product from #shuuemra was GREAT. I got through #butterly which I found on #facebook and i also follow them on #instagram but this product made my skin feel so soft like butter. It did exactly what it says it is going to do and thankful it did. Im not turning any younger and my skin has been going through its own cycle where there are times it feels like im using the right products but then it wont work anymore or it never worked to begin with. That is why i love companies that let you sample and try the product before spending the money and does not do what its suppose to do. Thank you #shuuemra and #butterly, #facebook for putting this product to try. I did put your photo on #infulenster the day i got it and i have not tried the product the time but i have now and loved the results. If you any other products that you need true honest reviews please let me try them. I am always open to try #skincare, #cosmetics, #health products or any other products that need to be tested and reviewed. -