I love this bag! I have the small bag and the large bag and I love them both! As a mom of a three year old, it is so important to reach into my purse quickly to grab stuff. You look right in the bag and you see everything in each of it's... +
I love this bag! I have the small bag and the large bag and I love them both! As a mom of a three year old, it is so important to reach into my purse quickly to grab stuff. You look right in the bag and you see everything in each of it's compartments! I don't lose my lipticks or lipliners anymore. I cannot imagine going back to my old purses (Coach bags!!!!). Once you get used to being so organized, it is hard to go bag to a bag that's like a black hole. The leather is great, the colors are rich. I highly recommend this handbag to those people who want something classicly stylish as well as highly organized. -