My grandson loved this game. It is like 60 different puzzles. You have to match quickly while calculating your moves. It has Tik tac toe and dominoes games. - Product received for free from FoxMind Toys in exchange for an honest review.
My grandson loved this game. It is like 60 different puzzles. You have to match quickly while calculating your moves. It has Tik tac toe and dominoes games.
- Product received for free from FoxMind Toys in exchange for an honest review.
This game is great for people 10 and over however I have a 7 year old who loves this. It teaches him important dates in history. It will keep them entertained for hours and hours. - Product received for free from FoxMind Toys in exchange for an... +
This game is great for people 10 and over however I have a 7 year old who loves this. It teaches him important dates in history. It will keep them entertained for hours and hours.
- Product received for free from FoxMind Toys in exchange for an honest review.